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The Book Everyone Needs to Read

Guest Teacher

Guest Teacher

What You Need to Know About the School System
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Why You Need to Read this

Information about the functioning of urban schools is needed. Parents and community members can read this book and get an idea of the gravity of the situation. Guest teachers can learn what they can expect when filling in for teachers to become better informed. Community members and others not fully aware of what is happening in the school system can read this book. Hopefully, by bringing this information to light, we can render support and services to improve the districts. This book serves as an informative look at education. The uninformed will be informed. Learn the name of the legislation that was created years ago that still guides our schools to this day. Many people have no idea how schools operate. This book destroys that myth that everything that is going wrong in the school system is due to the teacher's inability to run a classroom. The things that plague our children outside of the classroom often spill over into the classroom. You will have an aha moment. This book breaks everything down. This is "What You Need to Know About the School System". Former guest teacher Craig Maximum shares his



Our school system is under scrutiny. Few people are happy with its operation. We love our children so why is it so hard for them to get the quality education they deserve. There is a lot more to it. The teachers, students and administrators  are not the only ones that make up the schools. The schools extend way beyond that. We need the communities to buy into developing quality schools. Do you really know what goes on at your neighborhood school? Do you know why they are tested so much? Are you interested as to why teachers are always on the verge of a strike every 4 years.  Maybe it's the pressure. The first is the parent. The role has not been take over by the teacher. Taking care of children is a hard job for that parent so imagine the difficulty a teachers has to take of 30 students within the course of a day. Everyone working together can help solve school related issues but you must be informed. 

Why You Need to Read this Book

Information about the functioning of urban schools is needed. Parents and community members can read this book and get an idea of the gravity of the situation. Guest teachers can learn what they can expect when filling in for teachers to become better informed. Community members and others not fully aware of what is happening in the school system can read this book. Hopefully, by bringing this information to light, we can render support and services to improve the districts. This book serves as an informative look at education. The uninformed will be informed. Learn the name of the legislation that was created years ago that still guides our schools to this day. Many people have no idea how schools operate. This book destroys that myth that everything that is going wrong in the school system is due to the teacher's inability to run a classroom. The things that plague our children outside of the classroom often spill over into the classroom. You will have an aha moment. This book breaks everything down. This is "What You Need to Know About the School System". Former guest teacher Craig Maximum shares his


© 2020 by  Craig Maximum

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Remote Learning

Remote learning has become a more popular term in this age of Covid-19. Students are now participating in online study away from their classrooms and away from the regular places of learning. Remote learning is big in Illinois. The state participated in a shutdown. Remote learning by definition is when a student engages in online learning while they are at home. Students will complete their work through the use of technology. This technology includes chromebooks, computers, smart phones and tablets. Students will participate in discussion boards, google classroom, video conferencing and other online assessments. Teachers can record videos of there lessons. If you ever wanted to make some money you should invest in remote learning. It is up and coming. It is totally moving. Remote learning can come in a forms of learning games, surveys and scavenger hunts. Remote learning can present tons of resources. Take a look at brain pop, edpuzzle, Google classroom, and Edmodo. Video conferencing is key to present remote learning to students.  This at least gives students and image of the teacher to interact with. Conversations can take place along with discussion over assignments. Students can get some extra help. Even one on one discussion can take place. This is an opportunity to take advantage of a plethora of information.  


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